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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello Again

"Knowing better is doing better."
Stop here if you don't want to read about my beautifully miserable life.
I'm an open book I can't help it.

What I learned in 2010:
It was almost two years ago that I sunk pretty much to the depths. Almost over night I went from running 18 miles a week, accomplishing most projects with zest and doing the mom and wife thing above satisfaction to not being able to get out of bed. I ached everyday for months. Getting out of bed was a chore. Sleeping was always more desirable than getting up and I could have cared less about most things. My doctor suggested I was depressed and needed medication. I heavily denied the notion that I was depressed after all he saw me for what- 15 minutes. Not me, maybe others are depressed but there is something really wrong with me. I hid it well from friends and family that's because I cried in bathroom or in the closet not on the phone or at the dinner table. Over the next year I tired lots of things from hormone injections to a dizzying combination of pills that were suggested from this book or that person. I cut soda and caffeine from my day and I went on a strict detoxifying diet. I had all sorts of blood work done, which always came back a.o.k. except for slight inflammation.
I saw a rheumatologist who told me I suffered from Fibromyalgia and early onset of rheumatoid arthritis, which was somewhat validating clearing the idea that I was crazy. I continued to exercise through the aches and pain. I read self help books and truly searched for answers. Eventually I had days that turned into weeks of feeling better. I saw a therapist who helped relieve my deep and stuffed resentments. I had no idea how angry I was on both the conscious and subconscious level. My body was taking the toll for my emotional stress. Mr. Frugal was somewhat broadsided with my misery but he tired the best he could to patiently work through it with me. I worked hard everyday to be happy. Some days were more successful than others, still are, but I slowly pulled myself out of the hole. I now have a better plan and know what to do when I trip and fall. I hate to say something so cliche but I'm finding my way by finding myself.

Lesson #1
Stuffing will always result in a Explosion.

Lesson #2
Exercise does more for your Mental, Emotional and Physically Health than any pill out there.

Lesson #3
Others are Only Responsible for the Information you give them.

Lesson #4
How you Feel is the Truth. Say what you Mean and Mean what you Say.

Lesson #5
You can Accomplish More by doing Less.

Lesson #6
Stand Up for Yourself. No one's going to do it for you.

Lesson #7
Throw Guilt out the Door. Let there be no place in your Heart for it to Harbor.

Lesson #8
Be Satisfied with Good Enough.

Lesson #9
Be Grateful. At least you don't have to walk miles to get clean water.

Lesson #10
A Diet Coke and a Spray Tan every once in while provides a great quick fix.

My resolution for 2011:

1 comment:

lauren ann said...

One of my very favorite things about you (and there are a lot) is how open and candid you are. Thanks for sharing- it makes me love you that much more. xox