I don't know if I can say that I love one season more than the other because I really love the beginning of all the seasons, but if I had to narrow it down I would pick fall and spring. And if I had to narrow it down even further I would pick fall. My current location unfortunately doesn't really have much season change; especially in the fall. In southern California the fall's air doesn't cool down to a nice crisp temperature, it in fact warms up with the onslaught of the Santa Anna winds. October should be a time of unearthing the winter sweaters and the long pants but instead I'm still wearing my summer gear.
I grew up in Utah and lived in Boston for a short time and so I have such fond memories of the fall season. I loved the morning and the nights crisp air and the warmth of the afternoon sun. I loved reacquainting myself with my winter sweaters that sat dormant through the summer months and pulling on my knee high boots that sat tucked away in shoe boxes awaiting falls arrival. It is the most beautiful time of year in New England. When we lived in Boston I walked to work everyday and loved the sound of the crunch of fallen leaves beneath my feet and the feel of the cool wind as it bit the tip of my nose. The colors of the trees are brilliantly bright in New England. One weekend we drove up to New Hampshire with some friends and got a real taste of how just how spectacular the New England countryside was during this time of year. The whole road trip was one big perfect scene from a movie. It was breathtaking and it where my mind wanders during these hot and dry days of Southern California's fall.

"It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life." - P. D. James