The month of March flew by with accelerated speed this year. A few new things, one of which I'm about to reveal, took top priority and seemed to suck up most of my time. More than a few of my morning prayers included pleading to God to expand my time that day. I'm not sure if God can really expand time but I think it's worth asking for because if anyone could expand your time it would be God.
Along with some unusual things that happened that month there was still the usual mundane daily tasks that needed taking care of. Cleaning the house narrowly made any kind of priority list. To be honest it fell to the bottom of the non-priority list next to deep cleaning the garage.
OK so enough with the "I've just been so busy" talk. Yuck.
Here's the thing, a few months ago a friend of mine asked if I wanted to share a booth with her and few others at an arts and craft fair the first week of April. I quickly said yes not having a clue what I was going to sell. It's kinda funny actually.
Since the fair I have opened an etsy shop www.littlecolorbox.etsy.com and recently purchased a very handsome serger so I can start making my own clothing. I'm sure Chris is worried that I will soon be having a full blown love affair with my baby lock. No worries babe, despite the serger's amazing capabilities it does have it's limitations.
Anyway several weeks of thinking and exploring my many, many, many, many ideas I found myself oneday doodling little monsters. And poof, that's how it began. I started making appliqued tshirts for babies. It of course developed more than that and continues to develop.
Well, I worked really hard for next several weeks trying to get a small collection together for the fair. I found myself stuck in my laundry room for hours dyeing fabrics and ironing on my hand drawn appliques which were later stitched on. I came up with a name and a logo, made my own labels, printed off business cards and came up with a display. Little Color Box was on it's way. To where I didn't know. In fact I'm still trying to figure that out.
The fair was a little disappointing because I didn't sell much, which I like to think was because it just wasn't my crowd. No offence to anyone who wears kooky hats and Keds but I saw a lot of kooky hats and Keds that day. But despite the disappointing numbers I had a great response from many and I will forever hold a special spot in my heart for all those who bought one of my outfits that day.
Despite my low sales, I wasn't the least bit discouraged. I was so happy and proud with myself for what I had accomplished in a short time. And I knew that my initial ideas could blossom into so much more. I know that if I trust myself and work really hard Little Color Box can become something great. And so the seed has been planted.
Since the fair I have opened an etsy shop www.littlecolorbox.etsy.com and recently purchased a very handsome serger so I can start making my own clothing. I'm sure Chris is worried that I will soon be having a full blown love affair with my baby lock. No worries babe, despite the serger's amazing capabilities it does have it's limitations.
Here is a look at Little Color Box's humble beginnings.
This is Hudson. He's my first model. He's also one of my first customers.