Thomas is 8 and that means he's officially a scout. Yep, I just bought his getup this week. The first day I bought his handbook he dove right in and by the next morning he'd read the first 40 pages. I think he's more interested in the thought of getting the actual merit badges then he is with learning something new but he certainly shares my enthusiasm for a challenge.

That is why the book,
You Can Do It! The Merit Badge Handbook for Grown-Up Girls, had me at Hello. I am a sucker for books or ideas presented to me as a kind of challenge. I'm a little competitive I know. While I have never thought I was really great at one thing, I love to try new things and have had to some degree success with many things. I loved this book written by Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas because it inspires you to do just what it says, dare to dream, learn something new and do something just for you. She tells us that wherever we are is the perfect place to begin. And come on who doesn't love the idea of giving themselves a merit badge.
Here is a sampling of the guided merit badges activities in the book: Champion a cause, writing, draft a business plan, take a really good picture (photography), fire walking, gardening, building a web site, art appreciation, cooking, negotiating, flower arranging, surfing, triathlon, breaking a bad habit, strengthening your relationship, skydiving, yoga, budgeting, teaching, meditation, and the list goes on.
For my first merit badge I think I will pick something easy like flower arranging or knitting. Fire Walking seems well, just a bit ambitious.
Lee Meszaros will be my inspiration when I make my own merit badges.

Just a thought....
" We cannot have deep and enduring satisfaction unless we have self worth. We cannot have self worth unless our lives are a earnest attempt to express the finest and most enduring qualities that we are aware of. Purpose is an important condition for an enduring satisfaction with life."