Kate's Birthday Party was one week after Jack's Party and I have to say this one was much simpler. We went to a local Ice Skating Rink which means no extra decorating and the entertainment was totally covered. Eeeesaaay!

We served hot cocoa in hot cups that I covered with paper. I also gave all the girls matching knit gloves that I found at Joann's on sale for .50 cents a pair that conveniently worked out perfectly with the color scheme! Double bonus. 

All the girls did really well minus a few who hadn't skated before so Mr. Frugal very reluctantly put on skates to offer some assistance. Although, I think the girls may have been the ones doing the assisting. Thomas was so frustrated that he just couldn't get it. Skating just not his thing. Good- one less lesson or team I will be asked to sign him up for. Can't be good at everything son.
Speaking of not your thing. Cake decorating is not really my thing. I swear the cakes in those cute cake books must be seriously photoshoped or be made with frosting too gross to eat to get that perfect looking finish because I can never quite make it look like the photo.
Good enough I say!
Besides Kate loved it and well that's all that matters.
Jack opted to stay in the party room and guard the presents. Skating on the cold ice was not a tempting offered especially after I passed over my phone. He was happy right was he was, sitting his warm little bum on that bench.
Man, Tami! You are amazing and your kids don't know how lucky they are to have a mom go to so much work for their parties. I am so jealous and know my kids would be too, so I won't show them your blog. Mia's birthday was last week, so we had a few friends over to swim in our hot tub and called it a mermaid party. I wish you were closer and I would hire you out to do things for me. Hope you are feeling well. Love, em
I LOVE your cake!!
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