Utah has some of the best snow on earth and I was fortunate to grow up in Utah where I learned to ski as a young kiddie. My dad taught me how to snow plow with a rope tied around my waist and starting in the 3rd grade every Thursday we got out of school early and were bussed up to Sundance for ski school. In high school I had season passes to Park City and Snowbird skied at least 10 times a season for a few years. During college I turned in my skis for a snowboard and did that for several years until I got married when it all came to screeching halt. Skiing was expensive and Chris, who grew up in Dallas, didn't particularly love it and so skiing for the most part got booted off any kind priority list. Years passed, babies came and we moved to California. All of which took skiing right out of the picture. Skiing was for the most part a thing of the past until I decided last year that I would teach my kids to ski just like my dad did all those years ago. It was rough the first couple of times, but I was determined to get in a couple of days of skiing this year while in Utah for Christmas. We went twice as a family and Thomas and I went for a third time along with some of my siblings and their kids. I loved it and Thomas loved it, Chris and Kate not so much. But I was so happy to be up on the slopes even if I had some resistance from a couple of the members of my family. On our first day skiing I mentioned to Chris that we needed to replenish some of our stuff so we didn't have to rent skis or borrow any equipment like goggles and masks. He didn't think it was necessary because vacationing in Utah every winter wasn't exactly on his 'want to do' list. I was a little sadden by this and realized I was probably unrealistic to think we would ski every winter. But then a few days later Chris got me these as a gift.
Ummmm...I'm hoping this means there will be a lot more skiing in my future after all.
It was so cold that day but we still stopped for an ice cold cherry diet coke with a splash of lime from Sonic. Yummm.