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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

Thomas and Kate are real stinkers when it comes to combing and fixing their hair. Thomas prefers to use his hand over a comb. He cups a bit of water in his hand and throws it over his head smoothing out his bed head with his flat hand. It doesn't always work so well and a few chunks of hair still manage to stand up. Kate likes the end result of nicely brushed and fixed hair but she can hardly stand the process and so most mornings it's a struggle. But on Friday my kids were eager to use any comb or brush and any hair product needed to achieve a crazy do because it was Crazy Hair Day at school.

This is Thomas and his best friend Ben. They of course wanted matching hair.

This is Kate with her friend from church and school Kate S.

It was Kate's idea to make her braids into a nest. So creative my little one. After school Kate told me she pretended the little bird was her pet. She excitedly and proudly told me the bird stayed with her the whole day! (Thanks be to the fact that the wee creature was clipped to her hair.) I told her that's what was so great about having pretend pets unlike real pets, you get to take them anywhere you want; church, school, or the park. I told her we could attach the birdy to a key chain that she could clip onto her backpack and take with her everyday to school.

I'm hoping my wonderful suggestion will cut down on the begging for a real dog for awhile.

1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

The little bird in the hair is PERFECT!