It must start then with reprogramming ourselves to want less.
Here were some suggestions given from the article how to want less:
Throw away catalogs without going through them. –I have been doing this lately and I will have to say it does help. It's hard to desire the pretty cardigan from Garnet Hill if you never see it. Even better I should contact the distributing companies via website, email, or phone so they don't send me their catalogs anymore.
Don’t watch commercials on television. – Easy. I only watch recording TV. Although I do believe most TV distracts us from real reality and leaves us feeling bleak.
Don’t read the adverts in the weekly paper. – Easy. I don't get the weekly paper and I only use the coupons and grocery store ads from the mailers.
Don’t hang out in shopping areas for recreation. – I have three kids and not a lot of free time. I'm definitely not hanging out in shopping areas for recreation although I do have other problem areas. Like the quick trips to Target. I read once that you can spend up to 50% more when you shop with your kids. I do find that leaving my kids at home helps not to mention it makes my shopping experience much more enjoyable. I also need to cut down on my frequency to such stores. When your not there you don't know what your missing.
Take a complete inventory of your house contents for insurance purposes. – I told myself I would do this 2 years ago when there were devastating fires in the area. Still not done.
Do a weekly “27-fling boogie” a la Flylady. – I guess this is getting rid of 27 unwanted or unused items a week that go to good will or the trash. Every week? How about every other?
Visualize moving all of your stuff to a new home, or your heirs going through everything after your death. – Both scenarios are a nightmare.
Keep warranties. – I'm very good at this probably because in the pass I was a cronic returner but what does it have to do with wanting less?
Perform basic repair and maintenance. – I do feel very good about myself when I stretch the use of something a little longer.
Think about what else you might want, instead of more stuff. – Ummmm...I'm thinking.
Don’t watch commercials on television. – Easy. I only watch recording TV. Although I do believe most TV distracts us from real reality and leaves us feeling bleak.
Don’t read the adverts in the weekly paper. – Easy. I don't get the weekly paper and I only use the coupons and grocery store ads from the mailers.
Don’t hang out in shopping areas for recreation. – I have three kids and not a lot of free time. I'm definitely not hanging out in shopping areas for recreation although I do have other problem areas. Like the quick trips to Target. I read once that you can spend up to 50% more when you shop with your kids. I do find that leaving my kids at home helps not to mention it makes my shopping experience much more enjoyable. I also need to cut down on my frequency to such stores. When your not there you don't know what your missing.
Take a complete inventory of your house contents for insurance purposes. – I told myself I would do this 2 years ago when there were devastating fires in the area. Still not done.
Do a weekly “27-fling boogie” a la Flylady. – I guess this is getting rid of 27 unwanted or unused items a week that go to good will or the trash. Every week? How about every other?
Visualize moving all of your stuff to a new home, or your heirs going through everything after your death. – Both scenarios are a nightmare.
Keep warranties. – I'm very good at this probably because in the pass I was a cronic returner but what does it have to do with wanting less?
Perform basic repair and maintenance. – I do feel very good about myself when I stretch the use of something a little longer.
Think about what else you might want, instead of more stuff. – Ummmm...I'm thinking.
Here's what I added to the list:
Go without.- Even if it's just for a week.
Make due.- I find it surprising how many things you have around your house to make due. I'm especially going to keep this in mind when it comes to school and Church projects. Instead of running out to get new ribbon or whatever just make due with what you have.
Make due.- I find it surprising how many things you have around your house to make due. I'm especially going to keep this in mind when it comes to school and Church projects. Instead of running out to get new ribbon or whatever just make due with what you have.
Be resourceful.-I'm creative I should be able to handle this one. We'll see.
Forget about keeping up with Jones's.- Concede that contest. It's too exhausting. I guess the only game worth competing is the one for the most sustainable lifestyle.
Make smart purchases- The idea is to want less not want nothing. Making better choices will hopefully lead to making fewer purchases.
Turn it off.- The computer is great but can be a fuel to the desire to wanting more.
Stay Home.-It's true that you just spend less when you don't know what your missing.
I know that learning how to want less will take months maybe years before I'm good at it but I know it will better for me, my family and the planet.
Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.
1 comment:
Tami - this sounds like an exciting journey, and I can't wait to hear how it goes. Will be sending you positive vibes from down my way. You'll have fun I'm sure. It will be liberating. Love ya. X
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