I recently went to Utah for 2 weeks as the last hurrah before my kids started school. We had a great time visiting family and friends and hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. (Photos of the kids and all the fun we had will follow in a few days.) This post is devoted to a few of my favorite things about Utah.
Here is a list of random things I love about Utah.

1. I love Utah's summer nights. Especially the time when the sun is setting. The billowing clouds and vibrant hues are breathtaking. It doesn't matter how hot it got that day the temperature always makes it way down into the 70's. Ahaaaa... perfection!

2. I love Shaved Ice. I have not seen one Snow Shack in California! If they exist someone needs to pass over the info pronto. Favorite flavor, Tiger's Blood of course, it's been around since I was a little girl.

3. I love the radio stations in Utah. I can't name them anymore but there are a lot that play really good music.

4. I love the variety of fountain drinks offered in the gas stations and convenience stores in Utah. I swear Utahan's must drink more soda from a fountain than any other state. Every once in a while you need an unleaded diet coke and it's nice to know no matter where you stop they probably have just what your looking for.

5. I love Downeast. It is the best place to find great stuff with big names for 1/2 the price. And might I add they have a fabulous line of cute, modest and very affordable clothing. I just Love them!

6. I love basements. Not only does a basement provide you with ton's of space, (You should see my mom's storage rooms.) they provide a nice cool and dark environment, perfect for sleeping.

7. I love Hires Restaurant. If you've been you know what I'm talking about. Sorry IN -N-OUT you got nothing on a Hires burger. And ain't nobody can touch their fry sauce.

8. I love the mountains in Utah. I always took their beauty for granted.

9. I love all the fresh fruit and vegetable stands. Utah has the best locally grown peaches! Yummy!

10. I love that you can buy food storage at the local grocery store. This was particularly exciting for me because I am currently working on my year supply of food. Macy's grocery store had an entire area devoted to food storage and emergency preparedness. I bought myself about ten #10 cans of food, a 55 gallon water barrel, five 5 gallon water jugs, 50 pound of wheat and 25 pounds of beans. My car was packed so full I had no visibility except through the front window. Thank goodness for that.
Love ya Utah, see ya in 6 months.
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